Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Classic luxury...

Jewel Double Lock Satchel
Here is one of my most recent summer finds, one for the wish list! This gorgeous double lock satchel is from a collection of affordable luxury handbags by Rough Roses.

There are some amazing 'investment pieces' on the website which I love...WANT!


  1. where have you beeenn?!
    I want this bag.
    having a good summer?
    Lush ;)
    a part of me can't wait for uni to begin again i'm excited to get back into some work lol.
    love carly. x

  2. Carly... I've missed you!!

    I can't wait for uni to start either! How's your research/summer work going? xx

  3. this bag is lovely! i love all the knits on here, too super chic yet looks so comfy! come follow me xoxo
