Thursday, 21 January 2010

Renew, Re-design and Re-brand...

I like the idea behind this new fashion project by designer Gentucca Bini because it relates to the issues of sustainability in fashion and emotional connections with garments, which I've been looking into.

"Bini asks people to take their most cherished garments and designer pieces to her workshop where they can be slightly updated or radically changed, according to the taste of her customers. In this way a garment from the past is customised, re-designed and re-branded and old pieces that may be particularly dear to her customers for their history or the memories they bestowed upon them become fashionable again." Anna Battista

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Blog Blog Blog...

Yet again, I have neglected my poor blog for uni work and my journal...and probably too many gossip mags and facebook! More effort needed...we shall see! xxx


Here are my illustrations showing garment ideas for my knitting shown in my last post...They are a mixture of water colour painting, old photographs and layering done on photoshop...Hope you like!

Knit Samples...

Hera are some of my favourite knit samples from my latest uni project...